Booking Information

All clients are required pay a deposit when booking. You will be charged a non-refundable fee of $25+ per appointment. If you must reschedule your appointment, please do so at least 24 hours in advanced. You will be allowed to reschedule the same appointment twice, after the second rescheduled appointment, you forfeit your deposit. If you fail to cancel your appointment within 24 hours, your deposit is forfeited and you will need to schedule a new appointment. After 2 missed appointments, you will no longer be able to schedule anymore appointments without FULL payment at time of booking. 

 We also have VIP appointments available. Any appointment scheduled after 6:00 PM is considered a VIP appointment. VIP appointments require a $40 non refundable payment that will NOT go toward your service. It is a fee for after hours appointments and/or for booking on days off. 

We accept Cash, Tap and all major bank cards/credit cards. If you have any additional questions please contact us during business hours at 706-922-9835.